This year, Advanced Orthodontics and our Team renew their New Year’s resolution to make sure all their patients wearing braces and Invisalign, along with their families, receive the best quality orthodontic care and customer service available in the Bellevue WA area. This includes connecting you with the chatter from the American Association of Orthodontists and actual orthodontic patients who completed treatment. In the videos below, they discuss how orthodontic treatment affected their lives.
Our Blog
10 Braces Friendly Stocking Stuffer Ideas
It’s the holidays again and at Advanced Orthodontics we would like to share some simple stocking stuffer ideas to consider for your kids and teens, especially those wearing braces. Instead of candy and sweets that are unhealthy and can bend and break wires and knock off brackets, give something more suitable to make your season bright and avoid problems during family festivities. Read More
9 Fun Dental Facts To Consider
Did You Know…
83% of people believe their teeth are more important to their appearance than hair and eyes according to a survey conducted by Roper ASW in conjunction with ReachMax.
- US consumers spend $100 Billion a year on hair care products and only $50 Billion a year on dentistry. Women spend more money on mascara than any other makeup. What good is great hair and eyes without a great smile and healthy teeth?
- A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans
- Smile enhanced procedures outnumbered eyelid surgeries 5 to 1 according to Money Magazine.
- The average woman smiles about 62 times a day! A man? Only 8! Kids laugh around 400 times a day. Grown-ups just 15 🙁 Smilers in school yearbooks are more likely to have successful careers and marriages than poker faced peers).
- 3 cans of soda a day – the number of sodas that increase tooth decay by 62%; 10 to 12 – the number of teaspoons of sugar in an average 12 oz. soda. The average American consumes over 600 cans of soda a year! What happens to your health if you drink 10 cans of soda a day for 1 month? Read this…
- Every year, kids in North America spend close to half a billion dollars on chewing gum
- 45-70 seconds is the amount of time most people brush a day. Time to spend a little more time brushing, don’t you think?
- 18 yards – the amount of floss bought each year per person. 122 yards – the amount of floss that should be bought each year or 1 foot a day.
Did You Know? Fun Facts About Animal Teeth
We dug up some interesting information about different types if species and their teeth we thought everyone might enjoy reading on our blog at Advanced Orthodontics. Thanks for visiting our blog and enjoy the post. Feel free to share it with your friends in Bellevue WA.
Elephants: Did you know their tusks are overgrown incisors used for scooping and digging up food? These giant mammals also grind down their molars. Their molars can weigh up to 10 lbs and measure one foot wide. If they lose their tusks, they can then grow replacements up to six times during their lives. Read More
Here Are 5 Tips For Braces And Halloween
Halloween is a fun time of year for kids of all ages… but it can be a “nightmare” waiting to happen if patients are damaging appliances when eating the wrong treats. Watch this video put out a few years ago by the American Association of Orthodontics with additional “Halloween Brace Tips” for consumers that still very much apply today!
At Advanced Orthodontics we love Halloween!! However, we feel it is important to educate parents and patients of the potential problems that can occur if orthodontic patients don’t pay attention to our foods to avoid list. All we ask is you make smart choices when choosing the candy you choose to eat.Read More
The Differences Between A Dentist, Pedodontist, And Orthodontist In Bellevue WA
Many consumers are confused why they should choose an orthodontist in the Bellevue WA area at Advanced Orthodontics versus a general dentist or pedodontist to straighten their teeth with braces or Invisalign. Plain and Simple… the answer is experience and training.