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The Model “T” of Braces | From Soldered to Invisible

Have you ever wondered just how long braces have been around and how they have come to be the way they are today? As far back as 500 B.C., Greek scholars such as Hippocrates and Aristotle have thought about ways to straighten teeth, but no progress was made in the field until the early 1900’s. Though orthodontics is less than a hundred years old, amazing progress has been made in this relatively short period of time, especially at Advanced Orthodontics.Read More

Why Choose Early Orthodontic Treatment With A Palatal Expander?

palatal expanderEveryone who visits Advanced Orthodontics wants to flash a perfect smile. However not everyone is born with perfectly straight teeth. Many subtle problems go unnoticed when checking out someone’s smile. Crooked teeth are more obvious, but how your teeth fit together is just as important when creating a great smile and orthodontic result over the long haul for good dental health. Read More

The Fourth of July – Some Fun Facts

Celebrating 4th of JulySummer is here in full force and half the year has already zoomed by. Our team at Advanced Orthodontics researched some fun facts about our country’s most celebrated holiday which hallmarks our independence as a nation.

Did you know the Fourth of July or Independence Day, has only been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941? However, the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution (1775-83). July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with celebrations ranging from fireworks, parades, and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.

Fun facts we found interesting:Read More

How a Midline Discrepancy Affects Your Appearance

Tom Cruise wearing bracesIf you pay close attention to popular culture and celebrities, you may have noticed many celebrities wear braces, Tom Cruise included. Why did Tom wear braces? The center of his two front teeth did not line up with the center of his nose and upper lip. There is nothing medically wrong with this condition. However, as a leading man in Hollywood, this flaw in his appearance was enough of an aesthetic problem to warrant treatment.Read More