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Orthodontic Warning Signs

American Association of Orthodontics logoThe American Association of Orthodontists recommends that parents understand the early warning signs of an orthodontics problem and recommends kids be evaluated by an orthodontist by age 7 – 8. Early evaluation provides both timely detection of problems and a greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Well timed intervention guides growth and development, preventing serious problems later. When orthodontic intervention is not necessary, an orthodontist can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment when it is ideal.

There are many different types malocclusions or bite problems that require orthodontic treatment at Advanced Orthodontics. Below is a list of the most common orthodontic problems seen today in children, teens and adults.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation to determine how we can help you with your orthodontic needs. It is not necessary to have a referral from you general dentist to take advantage of this complimentary service we provide to all our patients.Read More

Should Parents Worry if Baby Teeth Aren’t Falling Out?

Losing Baby TeethWhen parents visit Advanced Orthodontics, it is not uncommon for them to worry if their child’s baby teeth do not fall out on time. Infants rollover, sit, walk, and talk at different stages of their development. The same is true when your child is losing baby teeth. There are some developmental issues which require professional attention, but in general, what should parents expect when their kids start losing baby teeth? Read More

Beware of Sports Drinks – They Can Damage Your Teeth

Sports Drinks Damage Tooth EnamelLollipops are a cavity on a stick and soda is pure sugar in a can. Candy and soda cause tooth decay. You’ve been taught this since grade school. This is not news, is it? Well, what about the fact that sports drinks ruin your teeth, too? Heard that one before?

Dr. Barton Soper and the team at Advanced Orthodontics want to make sure you understand sports drinks can damage healthy teeth. Actually, “erode” is more like the term, especially around the brackets while wearing braces. These sort of drinks erode your teeth by “demineralization,” or reducing the minerals in the outer tooth enamel and also the dentin (“dentin” is a yellowish, calcified tissue underneath the tooth enamel). It doesn’t affect the enamel underneath the braces covered by the brackets. Read More

Not All kids are Happy Wearing Braces – Good Communication Paves the Way

Unhappy Orthodontic Patient Rochester and Pittsford NYNot all kids are happy about wearing braces, especially teens. If teeth are slow erupting, a problem develops during a pubertal growth spurt, permanent teeth don’t erupt properly, or finances were an issue, your child may not be a happy camper. Wearing braces between the ages of 11-14 is the most common age for treatment and normally the age of least resistance in most cases. However, after that, be prepared for opposition.

Your first discussion sets the stage for how your child accepts or rejects the news they require treatment at Advanced Orthodontics. Allowing your apprehension and fears to surface can impact how your child responds. Read More